
Installing the server

The Coalition server can be installed on a localhost or on a remote host. Please remember that communication between server and workers is not encrypted, so if the server is installed on localhost and workers on remote machines, using a VPN or a VLAN is a good idea.

Coalition works with python2.7.

Debian like, Ubuntu, etc. via system packages

Logged as a priviledged user, in a shell prompt, run:

apt-get install -y \
    python2.7 \
    python-httplib2 \
    python-configparser \
    python-twisted \
    python-mysqldb \
    python-ldap \
    python-sphinx \

cd /usr/local/bin
git clone
cd coalition
cp _coalition.ini coalition.ini

Edit the section [server] in the file coalition.ini according to your needs.

You may want to fine tune the installation using:

Via pip, the python package manager

Using a python virtual environment is advised in this case, although not mandatory.

Logged as a priviledged user, in a shell prompt, run:

cd /usr/local/bin
git clone
cd coalition
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp _coalition.ini coalition.ini

Edit the section [server] in the file coalition.ini according to your needs.

You may want to fine tune the installation using:

coalition.ini configuration file

This configuration file contains two sections: [server] that will be used in server mode, and [worker] that will be used while running in worker mode.

# Server configuration

# Type of database to use. "sqlite" for a file based database, "mysql" for an external mysql server.

# The sqlite database file

# The mysql server

# Server port (default is 19211)

# Server mode [normal|aws|gcloud] (default is normal)
#  If cloud mode is selected (all but "normal"), the corresponding
#  configuration file has to be edited.
#  eg. the file "aws_cloud.ini" for servermode="aws".

# Worker time out in seconds, time lapse after a worker missing heartbeats is considered out (default is 10)

# Run the server as service (Windows only)

# Display verbose logs

# Notify the user after the N first children jobs have been finished. 0 disables this notification.

# Decrease the priority of a parent job after N errors.

# SMTP server hostname, emails disabled if empty

# SMTP server port 

# SMTP use a TLS connection

# SMTP sender email

# SMTP server login, no authentification if empty

# SMTP server password, no authentification if empty

### LDAP configuration ###
# LDAP server to use for authentication
# If not empty, coalition will require a login and a password at every requests
; ldaphost=ldap://localhost

# Set to True to prevent password validation for API requests.
# Useful for scripts using API as it prevents hard-writing passwords.
# Authentification is still required while serving index.html to force web frontend users login.
; ldapunsafeapi=True

# LDAP base (used for searches)
; ldapbase=dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan

# LDAP template used to validate the user, eg.
# uid=cn=__login__,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
# where __login__ will be replaced by the user login
; ldaptemplatelogin = cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan

### Group permissions ###
# Permissions are defined following the generic CRUD actions.
# Two major modes are predefined: per user or global.
# Per user mode offers CRUD actions only for jobs owned by the user.
# Global mode offers CRUD actions to the user for any job.
# Per user actions:
# createjob: User can create jobs owned by himself.
# viewjob: User can see his jobs.
# editjob: User can edit his jobs.
# deletejob: User can delete his jobs.
# Global actions:
# createjobglobal: User can create a job owned by any other user.
# viewjobglobal: User can see any job.
# editjobglobal: User can edit any job.
# deletejobglobal: User can delete any job.
# LDAP template are used to validate that the user belongs to a specific group
# For instance, 3 permission groups can be defined in LDAP this way:
# 1. administrators: Can create, view, edit and delete any job.
# 2. wranglers: Can create, view and edit any job (but not delete).
# 3. artists: Can create, view, edit and delete only his own jobs.
# __login__ is replaced by the username.

; ldaptemplatecreatejob=(& (cn=artists) (member=cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan) )
; ldaptemplateviewjob=  (& (cn=artists) (member=cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan) )
; ldaptemplateeditjob=  (& (cn=artists) (member=cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan) )
; ldaptemplatedeletejob=(& (cn=artists) (member=cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan) )
; ldaptemplatecreatejobglobal=(& (| (cn=administrators) (cn=wranglers) ) (member=cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan) )
; ldaptemplateviewjobglobal=  (& (| (cn=administrators) (cn=wranglers) ) (member=cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan) )
; ldaptemplateeditjobglobal=  (& (| (cn=administrators) (cn=wranglers) ) (member=cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan) )
; ldaptemplatedeletejobglobal=(& (cn=administrators) (member=cn=__login__,dc=ldap,dc=localhost,dc=lan) )
# Command white list.
# For global permission, use "global" as first parameter
# For per user permission, use "<username>" as first paramater

# Global and per user command while list.
#commandwhitelist=global command1 regexp
# global command2 regexp
# @user1
# user1 command1 regexp The command white list can be global or per user.
# user1 command2 regexp
# @user2
# user2 command1 regexp
# user2 command2 regexp

# Worker configuration

# Server URL, like http://serverhost:19211, let it blank to use autodetection by broadcasting.

# Number of simultaneous workers on this system (default is 1)

# Worker name (default is host name)

# Sleep time between two heartbeats in seconds (default is 2)

# Maximum number of cpus per worker, will override the number of workers when defined (Windows only)

# Command to execute at worker startup

# Display verbose logs

# Customize the command used to run the job.
# The command set in runcommand is responsible for :
# * changing the user
# * changing the working directory
# * run the job command with the current environment
# The following pattern will be replaced:
# __user__ : the job user name
# __dir__ : the job directory
# __cmd__ : the job command
# If runcommand is blank, the worker set the working directory to the job directory
# and run the command using the worker permissions.

# Default run command

# Run the jobs using sudo
#runcommand=sudo -u __user__ -E -- sh -c 'cd __dir__; __cmd__'

# Workers log file

Cloud mode

A coalition server must be installed and the cloud provider needs configuration. See cloud mode documentation page for details.


A database must be setup for the coalition server. To initialize it the firest time, run:

python --verbose --init

The database can be reset on demand. All data are lost:

python --verbose --reset

See also the next section about migrations.

Update coalition to a new release

If you update the coalition source code with a more recent coalition release, the new coalition features may need a database schema update. If it’s the case, you will be informed by a message while trying to run the server:

python --verbose --init
# ...
# The database requires migration

In this case, you should use the –migrate option to explicitely reconfigure the database:

python --verbose --init
# ...
# Migration was sucessful

Running the server

When all has been set up, run:


To see available command line arguments, run:

python --help

On windows, use one those options:

python --console
python --service

Installing a worker

The same procedure than above in installing a server applies, except for configuration and running.


Edit the section [worker] of the configuration file coalition.ini according to your needs.

You may want to fine tune the installation using:

Running a worker


python --verbose